El buen diseño es la integración continua de las micro y macro perspectivas de la vida y el mundo. Lo importante de esta perspectiva es la habilidad del diseñador de realizar el analísis detallado que se requiera. En la base de este proceso contexto-especifico esta el paradigma usuario/información/acceso/sistema. En vista de este paradigma, crear un diseño efectivo para todos implica necesariamente ser multidisciplinario por naturaleza, incluyendo el acceso a una amplia gama de areas de especialización. Sobre todo, el acercamiento requiere el conocimiento de un amplio rango de necesidades de usuarios de servicio público, a través de involucrar al usuario en cada etapa de toma de desiciones.
El párrafo anterior es una traducción libre del artículo; “What is Design for All“, centrado fundamentalmente en el servicio público.
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Dear friend, Kind Att: Dr.
We are in pocess of setting up state of art design institute in India, and we have received tremendous respose from international as well as national personalities in this area. I am on the behalf of society`s governing body is extending the invition for joining this noble cause.Our institute is nonprofit ,social self funded .We are popularising the concept of Design For All with the consultation of EIDD,President, and asking the people who are in desiging to promote the concept of Barrier free design accepted in UN.We have talent but unfortunately their is no platform .You consider our society efforts as providing a platform to you as well as those who are brilliant, intelligent and above all have passion to do for society.
The head,Industrial design,IIT-D,is heading a chair and guiding us to establish this idea. Our efforts are well taken by the International community and assured us all sorts of assistance to establish this Institute in India.
Again I am extending invition and expect you will orgnise the like minded people to join this noble cause.
Hoping a positve reply.
Thanking you.
With regards.
Dr. Sunil Bhatia.