How to Avoid Deadly Selfies, a guide by the Russian government. The Russian government has published a guide that warns its citizens about the dangers of taking risky selfies. "Your health and your life are worth more than a million likes on social networks," Russia's Interior Ministry states in the "Safe Selfie" document published on its website, which it adds was created in the wake of an "abundance of recent cases of trauma and even death while trying to make an original selfie."
El gobierno ruso ha lanzado estas extrañas imágenes advirtiendo del peligro de tomarse selfies.
Todo mundo se toma una selfie, no importa donde ni como ni cuando, todos queremos una. Entre más extraña e implique más dificultad la toma, mucho mejor.
No es extraño que a menudo leamos notas sobre situaciones absurdas o peligrosas que implican una selfie. Tanto así que Disney recién prohibió el uso de selfie sticks en sus parques de atracciones, algunos museos también han hecho lo propio.
Pero el Ministerio del Interior ruso fue un poco más allá con una campaña dirigida a concientizar a la gente sobre los peligros de tomarse un selfie. En su página web se puede leer: “Su salud y su vida valen más de un millón de likes en las redes sociales” ¿y saben qué? tienen toda la razón.
Es por ello que el gobierno ruso ha diseñado este práctico conjunto de carteles advirtiendo a la gente a no tomarse selfies en situaciones de peligro.
Las imágenes tienen el objetivo de enseñar nos sobre de los peligros de tomar un selfie delante de un tren en movimiento, o en posesión de un arma de fuego, o al subir una montaña.
La campaña inició a raíz de una abundancia de casos recientes de trauma e incluso de muerte al tratar de hacer una selfie original.
How to Avoid Deadly Selfies, a guide by the Russian government. The Russian government has published a guide that warns its citizens about the dangers of taking risky selfies. “Your health and your life are worth more than a million likes on social networks,” Russia’s Interior Ministry states in the “Safe Selfie” document published on its website, which it adds was created in the wake of an “abundance of recent cases of trauma and even death while trying to make an original selfie.”How to Avoid Deadly Selfies, a guide by the Russian government. The Russian government has published a guide that warns its citizens about the dangers of taking risky selfies. “Your health and your life are worth more than a million likes on social networks,” Russia’s Interior Ministry states in the “Safe Selfie” document published on its website, which it adds was created in the wake of an “abundance of recent cases of trauma and even death while trying to make an original selfie.”How to Avoid Deadly Selfies, a guide by the Russian government. The Russian government has published a guide that warns its citizens about the dangers of taking risky selfies. “Your health and your life are worth more than a million likes on social networks,” Russia’s Interior Ministry states in the “Safe Selfie” document published on its website, which it adds was created in the wake of an “abundance of recent cases of trauma and even death while trying to make an original selfie.”How to Avoid Deadly Selfies, a guide by the Russian government. The Russian government has published a guide that warns its citizens about the dangers of taking risky selfies. “Your health and your life are worth more than a million likes on social networks,” Russia’s Interior Ministry states in the “Safe Selfie” document published on its website, which it adds was created in the wake of an “abundance of recent cases of trauma and even death while trying to make an original selfie.”How to Avoid Deadly Selfies, a guide by the Russian government. The Russian government has published a guide that warns its citizens about the dangers of taking risky selfies. “Your health and your life are worth more than a million likes on social networks,” Russia’s Interior Ministry states in the “Safe Selfie” document published on its website, which it adds was created in the wake of an “abundance of recent cases of trauma and even death while trying to make an original selfie.”How to Avoid Deadly Selfies, a guide by the Russian government. The Russian government has published a guide that warns its citizens about the dangers of taking risky selfies. “Your health and your life are worth more than a million likes on social networks,” Russia’s Interior Ministry states in the “Safe Selfie” document published on its website, which it adds was created in the wake of an “abundance of recent cases of trauma and even death while trying to make an original selfie.”
Parece que Vladimir Putin no se enteró de la noticia.
Fundador y editor de, apasionado de la tecnología y trabajando en ella desde 1995. He sido observador privilegiado y narrador de primera línea de las revoluciones en internet, gadgets, redes sociales, apps, blockchain, IA y más. Temas que abordo en isopixel desde 2001, con el objetivo de acercarlos a la gente con un lenguaje sin complicaciones.