
Fundador y editor de, apasionado de la tecnología y trabajando en ella desde 1995. He sido observador privilegiado y narrador de primera línea de las revoluciones en internet, gadgets, redes sociales, apps, blockchain, IA y más. Temas que abordo en isopixel desde 2001, con el objetivo de acercarlos a la gente con un lenguaje sin complicaciones.

7 comentarios

  1. El futbol. Negocio de unos cuantos que se aprovechan del sentimiento de las personas. El día que salga a la luz todo lo oscuro. Sorpresa.

    Un saludo

  2. Futbol, ¿sorprendente e impredecible? ¿Apasionante?
    publicidad, manipulación, símbolo del poco progreso de la mentalidad de los aficionados…

  3. With the constant rise in violent crime and drug crimes that are committed on homes, how much home security do you have to keep your family safe? How much home security do you need? The police are not always able to protect your home’s security and your family as the number of police officers are becoming fewer with budget cuts every year. Have you stopped to consider how effective your home security really is? Could the steps you are taking for home security really protect your home and family against an intruder? Do you want more information about home security and what kind of home security is right for you? Do you need help with home security options? Does your home even need home security, and if so, how much home security do you need? You can find help with home security questio
    katherine rice (5/17/2006 11:08:45 PM): questions and home security information on this site and many different home security options. Find the home security option that best fits your home security needs here.

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