Hoy hace 20 años, se publicaba la primer página web pública del mundo, la página del proyecto W.W.W. World Wide Web.
El nombre Sir. Tim Berners Lee debe de tener más que nunca un reconocimiento especial, ya que es él quien invento el w.w.w. que hoy nos permite navegar entre millones de documentos y compartir con millones de personas.
Visita la primer página web pública del mundo, en este link:
Compartimos también el código fuente HTML
World Wide Web
”."><HEADER> <TITLE>The World Wide Web project</TITLE> <NEXTID N="55"> </HEADER> <BODY> <H1>World Wide Web</H1>The WorldWideWeb (W3) is a wide-area<A NAME=0 HREF="WhatIs.html"> hypermedia</A> information retrieval initiative aiming to give universal access to a large universe of documents.<P> Everything there is online about W3 is linked directly or indirectly to this document, including an <A NAME=24 HREF="Summary.html">executive summary</A> of the project, <A NAME=29 HREF="Administration/Mailing/Overview.html">Mailing lists</A> , <A NAME=30 HREF="Policy.html">Policy</A> , November's <A NAME=34 HREF="News/9211.html">W3 news</A> , <A NAME=41 HREF="FAQ/List.html">Frequently Asked Questions</A> . <DL> <DT><A NAME=44 HREF="../DataSources/Top.html">What's out there?</A> <DD> Pointers to the world's online information,<A NAME=45 HREF="../DataSources/bySubject/Overview.html"> subjects</A> , <A NAME=z54 HREF="../DataSources/WWW/Servers.html">W3 servers</A>, etc. <DT><A NAME=46 HREF="Help.html">Help</A> <DD> on the browser you are using <DT><A NAME=13 HREF="Status.html">Software Products</A> <DD> A list of W3 project components and their current state. (e.g. <A NAME=27 HREF="LineMode/Browser.html">Line Mode</A> ,X11 <A NAME=35 HREF="Status.html#35">Viola</A> , <A NAME=26 HREF="NeXT/WorldWideWeb.html">NeXTStep</A> , <A NAME=25 HREF="Daemon/Overview.html">Servers</A> , <A NAME=51 HREF="Tools/Overview.html">Tools</A> ,<A NAME=53 HREF="MailRobot/Overview.html"> Mail robot</A> ,<A NAME=52 HREF="Status.html#57"> Library</A> ) <DT><A NAME=47 HREF="Technical.html">Technical</A> <DD> Details of protocols, formats, program internals etc <DT><A NAME=40 HREF="Bibliography.html">Bibliography</A> <DD> Paper documentation on W3 and references. <DT><A NAME=14 HREF="People.html">People</A> <DD> A list of some people involved in the project. <DT><A NAME=15 HREF="History.html">History</A> <DD> A summary of the history of the project. <DT><A NAME=37 HREF="Helping.html">How can I help</A> ? <DD> If you would like to support the web.. <DT><A NAME=48 HREF="../README.html">Getting code</A> <DD> Getting the code by<A NAME=49 HREF="LineMode/Defaults/Distribution.html"> anonymous FTP</A> , etc.</A> </DL> </BODY>